
Est affectus et defectus semper in angaria
Est affectus et defectus semper in angaria

And I invite anybody to expand or ammend any of what I have said. Arm yourself well, you don't want to bring a knife to a gun fight, so make sure you have a wide array of weaponry. If you want to know more, do some research, find the score, it's well worth it to have something like this in your arsenal of knowledge. A world outside of the pop bands that litter these pages and will be all but forgotten within ten years (this piece itself is over 100 years old already). Sorry if my writing is poor, i'm sick and merely putting all this in out of boredom, and a feeling that maybe somebody will stumble across this, find it interesting and then perhaps another soul can find their way into the world of great music. a lot of what is written throughout carmina burana is humorous hymns to gluttony and gambling as well as sex and other such subjects. General Commentoh yeah, and the students and clergy (goliards as they called themselves) who wrote this were defrocked monks and minstrels.

est affectus et defectus semper in angaria

Mecum omnes plangite! everyone weep with me! Sternit fortem, strikes down the strong man, Semper dissolubilis, and always fades to nothing,Ĭorde pulsum tangite pluck the vibrating strings Sors salutis Et virtutis Michi nunc contraria, est affectus et defectus semper in angaria.

est affectus et defectus semper in angaria

Sors immanis Et inanis, Rota tu volubilis Status malus, Vana salus Semper dissolubilis, Obumbrata Et velata Michi quoque niteris Nunc per ludum Dorsum nudum Fero tui sceleris. (drive on And weighted down, Always enslaved. Section: Imperatrix Mundi (Empress of the World)ĭissolvit ut glaciem. Egestatem, Potestatem Dissolvit ut glaciem. Stand up, join us, modern crusaders alive We have the power wholl face the future Cause we are the fighters Just fighting for our fights Est affectus Et defectus Semper in angaria.

Est affectus et defectus semper in angaria